Legal characteristics of the charter party

  • Пурге Анна Роландовна

    Purge A.R. - Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The growth of international trade, which is characterized by world economic development over the past 100 years, has led not only to an increase in the number of transport and marine vessels needed for this, not only their enlargement and modernization, but also the emergence of radically new vehicles - cargo aviation, in which There are more and more types and types of aircraft. Large-tonnage transportation, which for long distances can be provided only by sea and aircraft, turns sea and air vehicles into increasingly everyday objects of civil traffc. On the other hand, the size, value and technical complexity of these objects of civil rights – predetermine in practical legal activities special attention to transactions with them.

Keywords: ship, ship, shipowner, freighter, charterer, consignor, consignee, vessel capacity, chartering contract, chartering contract of the vessel, contract of carriage, essential terms of the chartering contract, subject of the charter party, discharge of obligations from a charter party.
